High-throughput identification of gut microbiome-dependent metabolites, Nature Protocols (2024)
^ co-corresponding authors
A metabolomics pipeline for the mechanistic interrogation of the gut microbiome, Nature (2021)
- Constructed a microbiome-focused mass-spectrometry reference library and analytical pipeline (Python) to identify 800+ metabolites in diverse sample types
- Discovered novel metabolic patterns across microbial phylogeny by strain-resolved comparative genomics and comparative metabolomics
- Constructed gnotobiotic mouse models to toggle aging-relevant metabolites via manipulating microbes in the gut
*contributed equally
Mono-unsaturated fatty acids link H3K4me3 modifiers to C. elegans lifespan, Nature (2017)
- Discovered a novel role of bioactive lipids (mono-unsaturated fatty acids), which link H3K4me3 chromatin modifiers to lifespan extension in C. elegans
- Described the molecular details responsible for the synthesis of these lipids in the intestine and for the germline-to-intestine communication
- Demonstrated that dietary intake of mono-unsaturated lipids extends lifespan in the physiological context, highlighting their health benefits could be extended to mammals